Friday, June 26, 2009

New QuickBooks Features: Find and Fix Client Mistakes Faster

More than 75 CPA's, EA's, bookkeepers, software experts, and other students of QuickBooks got more than brainful when they attended Shelly Robbins' course on June 23rd at the Seattle Vocational Institute. The course, written by the Intuit Academy's Accountant Trainer/Writer Network, talked about using a new built-in feature
75 CPA's, EA's, bookkeepers, software experts, and other students of QuickBooks got more than brainful

available in QuickBooksPro and above, to streamline the annual Data File Review process. New tools in the Client Data Review (CDR) make some previously impossible tasks, such as replacing incorrectly posted accounts or tracking changes to lists, now possible.
Click here to download the step-by-step Course Training Guide .


  1. Dear Shelly,
    I hardly recognized you. I guess I'm used to your harassed housewife persona. You were confident, in control, not bothered by a few little things that didn't go right, obviously recognized by your peers (not me) in Quickbooks, outstanding in every way. It was like Clark Kent turning into superman. I congratulate you in every way.
    It was even an informative course and I did not go to sleep.
    Harold Shapiro ( in case you get comments from other Harolds)

  2. i did stay throught he whole lecture, feeling that it would be rude to get up and walk out. when i signed up for the course there was nothing that lead me to believe that this course would be geard twards the accounts and book keepers, i'm not, but have done plenty of accounting so i was not totaly lost. perhaps it should say someplace in the marketing of the class that it is geared twards the accountans and book keepers, then people like myself and the others, the 3 three i watched get up and walk out, would be happier. you are a marvoulus instructor who obviously knows quickbooks.

  3. Hi Shelly,
    Judy and I enjoyed your seminar yesterday and found it interesting and Judy got some specific answers to some problems.
    Thanks again.
    Roger Williams EA

    Roger Williams EA & Associates
    929 N 130th Suite 16
    Seattle, WA 98133
    Phone 206-363-9918

  4. Hi Shelly,
    You hit the nail on the head in so far as identifying the most common problems I have with Quickbooks (or more accurately, when clients use Quickbooks incorrectly - which is pretty unavoidable). You taught the practical use of Quickbooks - the things that are never learned from a book! If nothing else, learning about the "insert blank line above" trick was invaluable!!!!
    Great Job!
    Valerie Roberts
    Certified Quickbooks ProAdvisor

  5. Shelly,

    What an excellent class. As a Quickbooks ProAdvisor in my first year of business, I have come up against almost every issue you went through. You provided clarity in addressing these issues that twist up my clients' bookkeeping. Thank you so much!!

    Lisa Bivens
