This is another free get-together for professionals who make QuickBooks their business. Bring your business cards, introduce yourself and your business, and meet others who can "talk QuickBooks" for hours. We've all got something to learn from and offer one-another, so come and enjoy yourself while you advance your QuickBooks consulting practice!
RSVP HERE (free RSVP through
On the "agenda": what we learned from Doug Sleeter at our last get-together, the upcoming changes for payroll tax reporters (info provided by Dennis Thompson, CFE and CPA and all-around helpful guy), and what does it cost to "move to cloud", as Doug Sleeter recommended.
We had 21 guests at Aug QuickBooks "Talk and Client Swap". For info on the new tax requirements we learned about, see my blog post Sept 2010 "IRS changes rules bookkeepers to pay".