Thursday, August 12, 2010

"A very high percentage of small business owners get inaccurate reports from their QuickBooks"- QuickBooks guru Doug Sleeter

Why? Is everyone making data entry mistakes?
No, the reason goes back to the first day they set QuickBooks up,when they didn't know how to use it yet, and set it up wrong. From that moment on the reports that have come out of QuickBooks® have been inaccurate.
The top 5 QuickBooks® problems:
1. Current transactions hiding in Opening Balance Equity
2. Accounts Receivable on cash basis reports
3. Outdated Undeposited Funds from customer payments
4. Negative liabilities on the Balance Sheet
5. Income hidden in expense accounts

Do you want to know if your QuickBooks is set up wrong? Take an hour with me, at the comfort of your desk, and I will show you to test for the top QuickBooks problems. I'm doing a free webinar on Tues Aug 17th ao 10:00 am Pac Time. Join me to learn how to test your own QuickBooks. Here is the registration link: "How to find Peace of Mind with a QuickBooks Check-up". And don't despair if you don't pass the check-up, there is a friendly QuickBooks® troubleshooter somewhere near you, just send them a message on my site.

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